Going Through The Big D.

Like lots of small towns, it seems like everyone knows everything about everyone around here.

If you went to high school with me you probably know I got married at 18 years old. One month shy of my 19th birthday my husband was two months shy of 21. We eloped to Napa and then had a small reception the following weekend at my grandparents house in Janesville. The same spot my own parents had gotten married at 18 years prior.

In January 2020 we decided to end our six and a half year marriage. Well, if I am really honest I decided to end our marriage and my husband agreed. It was the most difficult decision to make as a wife and mother. I asked myself a thousand times if it was the best choice. I think anyone who has experienced divorce knows that this isn't an overnight decision and its not something you choose unless you think it is the best option for yourself and your family.

I believe from the bottom of my heart that every person has the right to live a happy life and that I don't owe anyone an explanation. However, having so much of my life on social media I thought writing this might help people understand and give us some grace.

Back in October 2019 I wrote in a blog post that it had been the hardest year of my life. I look back on that time now and laugh. 2020 has been one hell of a year for EVERYONE. As a small business owner it has been hard, as family trying to navigate divorce it has been even harder. But here we are almost done with this process and getting better at co-parenting every day, better at communicating every day and getting into new healthier routines as independent family units. Every day I have gotten better at caring less about the small town gossip and whispers.

Like that Tracy Lawrence song says:

"Everybody wants to slap your back
Wants to shake your hand
When you're up on top of that mountain
But let one of those rocks give way then you slide back down look up
And see who's around then


You find out who your friends are"

To my friends, family and clients that have supported me during this incredibly difficult year, thank you.


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