
We've all heard it before, everyone has the same amount of time in a day. The difference is how we choose to use that time. How much we value that time. My most precious time is time spent with my son. That time has no monetary value, but it is priceless. It's priceless because time spent away from him it is time I cannot get back. We just celebrated his 3rd birthday. Three years went by in a literal blink. I am already having a hard time recalling how his chubby baby face looked until my Facebook memories pops up and leaves me in tears. How did it go so fast? Time is fleeting. Ask anyone with grown children and they will tell you to cherish these hard toddler years because before you know it they will be all grown up. Why do we nod our heads but not truly take those words to heart? Stupidly I have wasted a lot of time. I have realized that I have missed out on a lot of memories with my son because I was working. I missed his first steps. I missed taking him t...