Travel Blog January 2019

We just got in last night from a grueling 12 hour drive home from San Clemente, Ca. The drive down on Wednesday was equally terrible with us hitting heavy snow in Chester and rain all the way down "The 5." We had ten hours in the car and then we landed in terrible LA traffic for another two hours, in heavy rain which in LA is like the apocalypse. Our fancy dinner plans turned into late night pizza delivery (thank you Uber Eats!). I had decided to treat myself to a DryBar blow out at 7am the next morning so we left our hotel in San Clemente bright and early at 6:30. I have NBR extensions in my hair which makes a blow out take a little more time and adds a twenty dollar charge to your blow out but is so convenient when you don't feel like washing your hair before an event. (Unless it rains and ruins it 😒). Feeling great about my hair I quickly dashed to the car my hubby was waiting to pick me up outside knowing the rain would ruin my hair. We ran to get a green j...